Folding Security Gates

Our expanding metal security gates offer a flexible and durable solution for securing entryways in factories, warehouses, cleaning areas, machinery zones, and construction sites. Designed for versatility, these accordion-style gates easily adjust to fit varying widths and collapse for convenient storage. Our selection includes interlocking options for creating larger barriers and models that can integrate custom signs to enhance safety and communication in work zones or dangerous areas. Whether you need a temporary partition or a more permanent barrier, explore our range to find the ideal expandable gate for your needs.
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Folding Security Gates

Expanding metal security gates can be used to block off an entry way in a factory, warehouse, cleaning area, machinery, or construction zone.  With an easy pull on one end, the expanding gate easily fits into areas where you may not know the required length, or where you need a collapsible option rather than a door  Some accordion metal gate options can even be interlocked for a contiguous barrier for larger areas.

Custom signs are available with the folding security gates to further alert or inform in a danger area or work zone.  View our selection!